
isu’s builder allows you to componentize pretty much anything you want. Whereas most reactive libraries limits you to components based on native Instances, isu allows you to compose components for any data structure. To do this, you simply need to create a component builder through the isu.builder function, which isu uses itself to create the Instance component builder available at isu.component.

Creating a component builder requires you to have good knowledge of how reactive libraries work internally. Reconciliation, diffing and conditional mutation, despite being relatively simple concepts, must be grasped before implementing a builder since isu does not provide these facilities out of the box for third party use (you could fork isu and extract our implementations for your own use, but they were written specifically for Roblox instances.)

To implement a builder though isu.builder, you must provide two distinct functions:

  • The instantiator, which creates an instance of the data structure you want to componentize, and applies the passed properties without caching or optimizations. It must accept a class name and a dictionary of properties, which can optionally include an array component (values with numbers as key) listing children. However, the array can be safely ignored if it is irrelevant in your use case.
  • The mutator, which accepts an already-existing instance and a dictionary of properties. It is during mutation that animations must be triggered and diffing applied - most of the optimization is done here. Generally, the implementation can be very similar to the one found in the instantiator, but without instance creation and most preferably with caching of the properties so you can avoid useless overwrites when the new value is the same as the old one.

With these two functions, isu will provide reactivity to your built components. They will be able to use stateful values (useEffect), effects (useEffect) and more if implemented. However, not all hooks are immediately available since some requires special consideration in your callbacks.

  • The useTransition and useAnimation hooks require that your mutator index the current context’s transitions and animations stacks respectively, and executes the animations in order. You can read isu’s own mutateConditionally function in the source code to understand how isu applies transitions and animations to Instances. If this is implemented, you can set the useTransition and useAnimation hooks to true in your isu.builder call.
  • The useEvent hook by default indexes the context and disconnects the signal depending on the component lifecycle. Unless your event mechanism supports the :Disconnect method and your instantiator/mutator assigns a .connection field to event objects in the context’s events stack, it is recommended to leave useEvent off. If you can guarantee that your event syntax is interchangeable with Roblox’s event syntax, and your instantiator/mutator properly assigns .connection to the event object in the contextual event stack, then you can probably turn useEvent on in your builder options.
  • The useSubscription hook relies on special behavior in the instantiator and mutator. When any property-changing mechanism detects a subscription object as a value for any property (doable by verifying if the object is a table and has a __type metafield equal to 'Subscription'), it needs to set the property to {subscriptionObject}.value and map the property to a property setting function accepting a single value in the dictionary located at {subscriptionObject}.represents.listeners. This is generally the easiest special hook to implement.

Here is an example in pseudocode that defines a simple component builder for tables. It obviously isn’t feature-complete nor optimized, but should provide a general overlook at how a component builder is created.

local isu = require(...) -- locate the isu module or file
local someEventListener = ... -- function that connects a callback to an event
local someEventTrigger = ... -- function that triggers the event

local createTableComponent = isu.builder(function(className, properties)
    local newTable = setmetatable({}, { __type = className })

    for key, value in pairs(properties) do
        newTable[key] = value

    return newTable
end, function(existingTable, newProperties)
    for key, value in pairs(newProperties) do
        existingTable[key] = value

local myComponent = createTableComponent(function(props)
    local count, setCount = useState(0)

        setCount(count + 1)

    return 'myTableType', {
        value = count

local myInstance = myComponent()()
print(myInstance.value) -- should be 0
print(myInstance.value) -- should be 1

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